"Using space and space technologies with blended global finance to meet the SDGs and International Climate goals."
By Candace Johnson
In this article SBA Co-President, Candace Johnson, discusses the potential of space and space technologies to contribute to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and international climate goals. It is argued that a blended finance approach, which combines public and private sector funding, can be an effective way to leverage resources for space initiatives that can have a positive impact on sustainable development and climate action.
In this Youtube video Shereen Tawfiq, the founder and CEO of Balinca, an edtech platform that gamifies financial knowledge, believes that while it’s natural to fear failure and crave success, there is an art to failing that can bring significant rewards. Hear from her on how she’s steering her startup to make a bigger impact.
Shereen Tawfiq, the founder and CEO of Balinca, an edtech platform that gamifies financial knowledge, believes that while it’s natural to fear failure and crave success, there is an art to failing that can bring significant rewards. Hear from her on how she’s steering her startup to make a bigger impact.
"There is No Better Time to Be an Engaged Angel Investor."
By Jerome Nollet
In this article, Jerome Nollet, a board member, discusses the potential opportunities for startups in the current economic crisis and emphasizes the importance of investing in startups with practical solutions and clear paths to profitability, rather than focusing solely on growth and unsustainable valuations.
In this article, Patrick Kedziora, a Board Member and Deal Flow Director, discusses the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with investors after securing funding for your business and offers valuable insights on how to effectively communicate with them and leverage their support for future growth.
If you’re an entrepreneur in the technology industry seeking to raise capital, understanding the art, science, and chemistry of fundraising is crucial to your success. In this article, we’ll explore some valuable insights and tips from Barbara Saxby; a strategic marketing consultant and SBA investor on how to effectively pitch your company and increase your chances of securing investment.