Who We Are
About Us
The SBA is a group of individuals who invest personal funds in early-stage startup companies with innovative concepts and commercial promise. We were founded in Sophia Antipolis on the French Riviera in 2002 and now have over 40 members around the world (Europe, US, UAE, and Asia). We are part of European Business Angels (EBAN), France Angels and partner with several angel groups. This global network is our greatest strength as we seek to find opportunities together and to create value.
The team is made up of men and women who previously enjoyed careers as entrepreneurs or corporate executives and are now dedicated to supporting compelling business ideas and coaching young teams. Startups benefit from access to our team from diverse disciplines, industries, and countries to guide them on their journeys to building successful companies themselves.

It Takes A Global Community

We have an extensive partner network including incubators, regional development agencies, business schools, banks, corporations, media, and other angel groups locally and globally. And we actively participate in other local events with The House of Artificial Intelligence and the ActinSpace Hackathon and many more within the various regions. See the complete list of our ecosystem partners here.
The Sophia Business Angels just celebrated our 20-year anniversary and have expanded our global footprint over the years. However, we cherish our early beginnings and the contributions of the late Senator Pierre Laffitte (1925 – 2021), a friend and colleague who helped shape our region and club. He was President and founder of the Sophia-Antipolis technopole, now the largest in Europe with more than 2,000 hectares , 2,230 companies, 36,000 people, including 4,000 researchers and 5,000 students. He served as us all as Senator of the Alpes-Maritimes from 1985 to 2008 as the innovation specialist.
Board Members

Edgardo Da Fonseca

Candace Johnson

Barbara Saxby

Omer Hiziroglu

Patrick Kedziora

Charles Sidman

Michael O'Connor

Audra Shallal

Jean-Claude Goldenstein

Olivier Bisserier

Jean-Marc Royer
President Emeritus Advisory Board

Marcel Dridje

Jean-Louis Brelet

Edgardo Da Fonseca

Dominique Pouliquen
Interested in becoming a business angel investor?
We are always open to have new Sophia Business Angels members to join our ranks of successful professionals with a passion for smart investments.
Find out more how to apply by clicking below